BLHS Newsletter November 2020

Despite my guarded optimism in the Spring, the second wave of this pandemic is now most definitely swirling around us. I’m afraid it’s likely to seem a long dark winter for those in the Northern Hemisphere. Unsurprisingly, BLHS live events are taking a hiatus for the time being, but we’ll let you know as soon as we can begin to get things back on track.

Meanwhile, here’s a link to the November newsletter, all about Balterley All Saints Church. If you enjoy reading this and would like to become a member of the Society and help support our work then please do consider joining us - our current subscription rate is £6.50 pa. when you pay through the link at the bottom of our landing page here. We have over 20 years of back copies of Betley Parish News available online for you to search through…so if you were wondering what might have been happening in Betley in November 1975, or 1983, or 1996…take a look.

Enjoy the newsletter, remember to wash your hands regularly…and keep safe.